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Get shipment details



Returns the details, checkpoints history, and status of the shipment with the specified ID.

Only the shipment ID can be provided to this endpoint. To retrieve shipment details by tracking code, use the Get shipments list endpoint using the tracking_code filter.


Path Parameters

    shipment_id stringrequired

    ID of the shipment.


Shipment details and associated checkpoints history.




    id string

    Unique identifier of the shipment.

    tracking_code string

    Tracking code of the shipment.

    courier string

    Courier slug. The possible values are listed in the Supported couriers page.

    type ShipmentType (string)

    Possible values: [send, receive]

    Shipment type. Determines if the shipment is outgoing or incoming.

    created_at date-time

    Timestamp of the creation of the shipment in the system. ISO 8601 format.

    order_number stringnullable

    Optional order number associated with the shipment.

    description stringnullable

    Additional notes that are visible only to the account owner.

    archived_at date-timenullable

    Timestamp of the archiving of the shipment. ISO 8601 format.

    archive_reason ArchiveReason (string)nullable

    Possible values: [delivered, expired, manual, null]

    Determines the reason of the archiving of the shipment.

    shipped_at date-timenullable

    Timestamp of the first in_transit checkpoint. ISO 8601 format without the UTC offset (local date time). When the time is not specified, it is set to midnight.

    transit_days integer

    Number of days in transit. The first day until midnight is considered as day 0.

    delivered_at date-timenullable

    Timestamp of the delivery of the shipment. ISO 8601 format without the UTC offset (local date time). When the time is not specified, it is set to midnight.

    last_check_at date-timenullable

    Timestamp of the last time that the system checked for new checkpoints. ISO 8601 format.

    checkpoints_updated_at date-timenullable

    Timestamp of the last time that the checkpoints history was updated. ISO 8601 format.



  • Array [

  • id string

    Unique identifier of the checkpoint.

    created_at date-time

    Timestamp of the creation of the checkpoint in the system. ISO 8601 format.

    message string

    Message published by the courier.

    location stringnullable

    Location of the checkpoint, if provided by the courier.

    date_time date-timenullable

    Date and time of the checkpoint, if provided by the courier. ISO 8601 format without the UTC offset (local date time). When the time is not specified, it is set to midnight.

    notes stringnullable

    Additional notes provided by the courier.

    status CheckpointStatus (string)

    Possible values: [unknown, info_received, in_transit, out_for_delivery, delivered, attempt_fail, available_for_pickup, exception, delayed, returned_to_sender]

    Status of the checkpoint.

    substatus Substatus (string)nullable

    Possible values: [exception_generic, exception_incorrect_address, exception_storage, exception_refused, exception_damaged, exception_lost, exception_returning_to_sender, null]

    Substatus of the checkpoint, available only when the status is exception.

  • ]

  • status ShipmentStatus (string)

    Possible values: [unknown, info_received, in_transit, out_for_delivery, delivered, attempt_fail, available_for_pickup, exception, inactive, returned_to_sender]

    Status of the shipment computed from the checkpoints history. It can be different from the status of the last checkpoint.

    substatus Substatus (string)nullable

    Possible values: [exception_generic, exception_incorrect_address, exception_storage, exception_refused, exception_damaged, exception_lost, exception_returning_to_sender, null]

    Substatus of the shipment, available only when the status is exception.

    is_delayed boolean

    true if a delay in the shipment was detected in the tracking history.

    estimated_delivery_date datenullable

    Estimated delivery date indicated by the courier. ISO 8601 format with only the date.

    estimated_delivery_time stringnullable

    Estimated delivery time range indicated by the courier.

    recipient_name stringnullable

    Name of the recipient of the shipment.

    recipient_email emailnullable

    Email of the recipient.

    origin_location stringnullable

    Origin of the shipment provided by the courier.

    destination_location stringnullable

    Destination of the shipment provided by the courier.
